Adm. militiare britannique, Érythrée

Montre maintenant: Adm. militiare britannique, Érythrée - Timbres d'affranchissement (1948 - 1950) - 10 Timbres-poste.

[Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type A] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type A1] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type A2] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type A3] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type A4]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1 A 5/½C/P 12,97 - 32,42 - USD  Info
2 A1 10/1C/P 10,80 - 27,01 - USD  Info
3 A2 20/2C/P 10,80 - 21,61 - USD  Info
4 A3 30/3C/P 10,80 - 21,61 - USD  Info
5 A4 1/1Sh 21,61 - 43,22 - USD  Info
1‑5 66,98 - 145 - USD 
[Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type B] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type B1] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type B2] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type B3] [Numeral Stamps - Great Britain Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "B. M. A. - ERITREA" and Surcharged Value, type B4]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
6 B 5/½C/P 16,21 - 54,02 - USD  Info
7 B1 10/1C/P 10,80 - 21,61 - USD  Info
8 B2 20/2C/P 12,97 - 27,01 - USD  Info
9 B3 30/3C/P 12,97 - 32,42 - USD  Info
10 B4 1/1Sh 21,61 - 64,83 - USD  Info
6‑10 74,56 - 199 - USD 


De l'an

A l'an




